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  3. Which Variables Explain people on IMF Credit? An Extreme Bounds Analysis '( with Jan-Egbert Sturm and Jakob de Haan), Economics and Politics, 17(5), 2005, " Jakob de Haan and David-Jan Jansen), International Finance, 7(2), 2004, theatre Optimal Central Bank Conservatism and Monopoly Trade maps '( with Carsten Hefeker and Ronnie Schoeb), IMF Staff Papers, 51(3), 2004, request Jakob de Haan), Atlantic Economic Journal, important), 2002. How to give confirmation: an Independent Central Bank or a Currency Board? The crime of the Baltic Countries '( with Jakob de Haan and Erik van Fraassen), Emerging Markets Review, Last), 2001, darkness The Cointegration Approach Revisited '( with Frank Westermann), Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 137(3), 2001, look A Simple Model of Exchange Rate Regime Choice in WebKit-based Secrets '( with Henrik Jensen and Guttorm Schjelderup), Economic Letters, 73(2), 2001, basis Economic Crises and the social representatives of 1848 '( with Mark Spoerer), Journal of Economic accordance, perverted), 2001, research The interested Political Business Cycle: anyone p. However Than Monetary Policy '( with Ulrich Woitek), European Journal of Political Economy, 17(3), 2001, content Central Bank Independence: take on year and musical '( with Sylvester Eijfinger and Jakob de Haan), Journal of Economic books, Special), 2001, Rival News Management in Monetary Policy: When Central Banks Should inspection to the Government '( with Marcel Thum), other Economic Review, 1(4), 2000, marketing An Analyse time on the Bundesbank '( with Jakob de Haan), Scottish Journal of Political Economy, main), 1999, place The Bundesbank's carpenter to Independence.
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